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COVID-19 Response & Safety Measures

HELP’s top priority is keeping our team, customers, and community healthy. Our team not only meets but exceeds safety guidelines in order to keep our customers and employees safe.

What HELP is doing:

  • Created and enforcing our isolation policy
  • Relocated work locations, in office, to ensure each of us is 6 feet apart
  • Increased office sanitation by 300%
  • Taking team members’ temperatures daily
  • Following social distancing guidelines in the office, including eliminating interaction between office staff and field technicians

Here are some of the health and safety measures our technicians are taking:

  • Wearing fresh floor savers, a mask, and gloves while in your home
  • Following social distancing guidelines, including:
    • Keeping 6 feet away from other people
    • Not shaking hands or touching other people
    • No interaction with office staff

We will continue to monitor the changing situation and will adjust business operations as needed, following the direction of the state of Ohio, Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Our trust certified TM Technicians
EACH Technician receives over 200 hours of training EACH year.
We have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee which means you pay NOTHING, NOT EVEN A PENNY, until our work is absolutely complete and you are 100% satisfied.
We always leave your home cleaner than we found it…Guaranteed!